Troubleshooting Tips For Homeowners

If your air conditioner has a musky or foul smell when you turn it on, make sure to schedule a maintenance appointment. This is an indication that there may be a problem with the unit’s vents or mold in the evaporator unit.


A technician can help clean and fix these issues to prevent further problems. Taking these preventive steps can save you from needing air conditioning repair later on. Contact Air Conditioning Repair Naples FL for professional help.

One of the most frustrating problems a homeowner can face when trying to cool their Seattle, WA home is air conditioner short cycling. This occurs when your AC runs for only a few minutes and then shuts off, rather than continuing to run until the goal temperature is reached. This not only makes it more difficult to keep your home comfortable, but also wastes energy and causes unnecessary wear on your system.

The good news is that you can often fix this problem by addressing the underlying issue. However, you should still seek professional repair services for any serious issues if you notice them. Here are some of the most common causes of this issue:

Dirty or Clogged Air Filters

The most obvious culprit for short cycling is a dirty or clogged air filter, which restricts airflow and puts strain on your system. It can also lead to other issues, such as frozen evaporator coils. If the coils freeze, you’ll need to have a professional thaw them out so that the system can continue running normally.

Another cause is the location of your thermostat. If it’s located in direct sunlight or close to other heat-generating appliances, the thermostat can overheat and start shutting off your system before the house reaches the desired temperature. A professional can move your thermostat to a better location in the house to correct this problem.

Refrigerant Leaks

When refrigerant leaks, the compressor may overheat and burn out. This can be very costly to replace, so it’s important to call an HVAC technician as soon as you suspect a problem with the system.

Improperly Sized System

If you’ve recently replaced your air conditioning unit, it’s possible that the new equipment is sized improperly for your home. This can be a costly mistake, and it can cause your system to short cycle. A professional can help you determine the right size system for your home, and you’ll be able to rest assured that your AC will work properly.

Don’t let an air conditioning repair problem disrupt your comfort and skyrocket your energy bills. By recognizing these symptoms and following these tips, you can save yourself money and avoid expensive repairs in the future.

Unpleasant odors

If your air conditioner gives off an unpleasant odor every time it runs, this can signal a serious problem. Foul odors aren’t just off-putting; they can be a sign that your AC unit is infested with mold and bacteria. In some cases, the odor can even be dangerous. To prevent this from happening, be sure to schedule regular maintenance and check for odors often.

Air fresheners can offer blessed relief when musty or decaying odors first start to waft into your home through vents and ducts. However, they’re only temporary coverups for the true cause of odors like these. To get rid of odors that don’t respond to air fresheners, you’ll have to find the source and treat it.

Musty odors are a clear sign that there’s significant mold growth in your AC system. Mold spores love the warm, moist environments of supply pans, drain lines, evaporator coils, and duct surfaces – and when they grow in these areas, those signature moldy smells get circulated throughout your home whenever the AC kicks on. To stop this, have your AC system inspected and cleaned by an experienced technician.

Other foul odors can be signs of a more serious problem, such as a natural gas leak. These can be dangerous and should never be ignored, so be sure to turn off your AC and call the gas company as soon as you detect the odor.

If you’re noticing a strong, chemical-like odor when your air conditioning runs, this could indicate a refrigerant leak. Air conditioning refrigerants are comprised of chemicals that, when exposed to the air, can produce a distinctive odor that resembles nail polish remover or acetone. These odors aren’t only unpleasant – they can also damage your AC’s internal components and make it ineffective at cooling.

Other smells that may indicate a problem with your air conditioning include burning plastic or an earthy, musty odor. These can be caused by leaves, twigs, and other debris that can enter the air intake and get trapped inside. The debris will eventually decompose, releasing these unpleasant odors. To avoid this, keep your outdoor air intake clean and be careful not to block it with shrubbery.

Strange noises

Air conditioning systems are designed to run quietly in the background. Even so, any unusual sound that accompanies your system can indicate serious problems. If you notice a hissing or bubbling noise, it may mean there’s an issue with your unit’s refrigerant lines. This could be due to a leak in your piping, which is extremely dangerous and requires immediate attention from an experienced professional.

A whistling sound is another indication that your AC needs to be cleaned and serviced. Often, this is caused by a dirty air filter that has allowed debris to get into the system. The air filter will need to be replaced and the ducts cleaned to prevent this from happening again in the future.

Squealing sounds typically indicate issues with moving parts inside the unit. This can range from a simple squeak caused by a fan belt that’s wearing out to a more serious screech indicating the compressor is beginning to die. In either case, this is an indicator that your system’s performance and lifespan are diminishing and should be addressed immediately to avoid major damage.

Rattling noises often indicate that parts within the unit are banging together. This can be a result of internal debris or external items like sticks or leaves that have become trapped inside the system. If the rattling continues, it’s best to shut off the system and have an experienced technician conduct a thorough inspection and provide precise repairs.

Humming sounds are common in older units, but if you hear them in newer models, this is a sign that your air conditioner is struggling to operate efficiently and may need to be repaired or replaced. This can be due to a faulty capacitor, relay switch, or motor.

Air conditioning repair technicians can often diagnose the problem by listening to your system. If you’re concerned about the sound your air conditioning is making, schedule a tune-up with an experienced professional to reduce stress on the system and find potential faults before they escalate into expensive repairs. This will help your system last longer and function more efficiently, keeping your home cool all summer long.

Broken parts

If you’re familiar with air conditioning basics, you may be able to troubleshoot some issues on your own. However, certain tasks should be left to professional AC contractors. If you find that your home’s cooling system isn’t keeping your house cool or you’re concerned about a possible issue, it’s always best to call for an expert inspection.

A broken compressor is one of the most serious problems your AC unit can experience. It’s the heart of your cooling system, and without it, your system will stop working completely. The compressor essentially compresses the refrigerant, causing it to heat up and transform into a high-pressure gas that travels through your system’s condenser coils.

An air conditioner that constantly trips the breaker or blows fuses is probably in need of repair. If the problem isn’t addressed, your air conditioner could suffer further damage, and you’ll end up paying more in energy bills in the long run.

Your outside unit houses the compressor, fan, and condenser coils that work together to remove heat from your home and produce a cool indoor climate. If the outdoor fan isn’t working, the entire process may be hindered. If you notice loud rattling or buzzing noises coming from your outdoor unit, you probably need to replace the fan motor.

The capacitors that power the compressor and fan motors in your AC system are critical to its operation. The start capacitor sends a jolt to the compressor to get it running, and the run capacitor keeps it running once it’s started. If you’re noticing that these components are wearing out or not working at all, you need to call a residential HVAC company to repair or replace them.

A broken service valve is another major AC repair problem that you shouldn’t try to handle on your own. This component is located at the bottom of your condenser, and it allows technicians to enter your unit when necessary. It can get damaged if something falls on it or if you slam into it accidentally, and it’s important to get it repaired as soon as you notice any signs of wear.